"Unlikeable Obama:" Fox News Poll Shows Major Shift

 When only a third of the American people trust the government and half think the government is listening to their phone calls and reading their emails, there is a problem.

Fox News released a poll today with plenty of alarming information for the Obama Administration: 71% believe the federal government is too powerful, 66% think the IRS should be abolished or massively reorganized, only 43% approve of the job the President is doing, and my personal favorite: 82% believe the Founding Fathers would disapprove of the current goings-on in Washington, DC.  Ya think?

But a particularly striking revelation of the poll is that now a majority of Americans disapprove of Obama himself.  That's the "likeability" factor and it's important. Particularly to this President. Currently, only 47% of the American people view the President favorably.  Those who view him unfavorably: 51%.  A majority. That's a first. 

That "likeablity" enabled Obama to rest on the goodwill of the American people when he was pushing measures they either weren't too sure of, or just downright didn't like. Now, in the wake of the numerous scandals and as the effects of Obamacare are being felt, that goodwill is evaporating. The President is going to have a tougher time pushing aspects of his agenda the public find questionable or objectionable.  That's one reason we'll see more of the executive fiats, such as the regulation into oblivion of the coal industry.

Not only do the American people distrust government (a very big deal given that Obama's entire agenda banks on the belief that government is good), but they are beginning not to trust him--or what he says. They used to trust him, as they did when he said Obamacare would lower health care premiums, that the deficit was under control, that middle class taxes would go down, or that a video was responsible for the murder of our Libyan ambassador.  But then they realized he just wasn't being straight with them. In fact, it appears he was taking them for fools. Now, when Obama says things such as, "Ignore voices warning of government tyranny," that actually alarms more people than it placates.  Particularly when days later it is revealed that the IRS targeted the President's ideological opponents. 

It has been Obama's practice to say one thing even though the facts say quite the opposite. To get away with it, he has relied on the goodwill of the American people, and on his own previously powerful "likeability." Up until now, most folks have just gone along with whatever he says--because they trust him and like him. But it appears that the scales are falling away.  We can only be mocked so many times before even we profoundly busy and distracted (and perhaps gullible) Americans take heed. The continued scandals, the refusal of the President to handle them forthrightly, and the great awakening of a weary nation are going to take a heavy toll.  Declining "likeability" is an important indicator of just how heavy it will be. 

Truth Averse Obama Deceives Americans on His Budget Numbers

It should surprise no one that the Obama Administration, encumbered by a genuine "Truth Aversion," would fabricate budget numbers to deceive the American public. Some will be surprised, however, by the audacity and extent of the deception--how dramatically the numbers were skewed by the President, himself (though no doubt fault lies with some low-level speech writer). Read More

Media Giving Bombers a "Lone Wolf" Pass?

The media--and the Obama Administration--know that if the bombings are tied to radical Islam (and the only way you can say they weren't is to ignore the mounting evidence), that will open up a broader discussion in this country about the increasing threat here from those who have been radicalized--how it's happening, who is doing it, and who is financing it. That's actually a discussion that needs to happen, yet the media and the administration seem determined not to let it.

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Using Boston to Score Points: Demonizing over Sequester

Less than 24 hours later, however, the ripping apart of America, the demonizing began again. Political gamesmanship of the now-perfected ilk "vilify one's opponent" centered around, of all things, sequester. It is all eerily familiar to President Obama using the precious victims of Sandy Hook, and their families, to push his gun control efforts--to say if one opposes his gun plans, he must not care about those children. Disgusting. So it what we see happening now. Read More

Raising Our Sons to be Men of Honor

I want my boys to strive for more. To be men of honor in a world that laughs at anyone who won't download pirated songs and movies. To respect women ​despite a culture that finds it acceptable to call them "bitches."  I want my sons to be bold, ambitious, and prosperous--in body, mind and spirit--in a country that shames the successful.

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Left Wants to Ban Guns, While Ignoring Real Solutions

I'm hesitant to say anything adulatory about Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) these days after his appalling reaction to Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) courageous filibuster, but I've got to give him credit.  He's exposing the Democrats' hypocrisy on guns, and their ​real motive: banning gun. Shocking, I know.

Graham is pushing a bill that would require the mentally incompetent to be added to the National Instant Criminal Background System, so that in the event that they attempt to purchase any type of gun, they would be prevented from doing so. This is taking the real issue behind many of the horrific mass shootings in this country head on.

According to Fox News, Graham illustrates the need for this measure with a compelling story: A South Carolina woman, Alice Bolan, threatened to kill President Bush in 2005. She pleaded not guilty, by reason of insanity. Yet this year, she bought a gun legally, and tried to shoot someone. That's, pardon the expression, nuts. ​

The Left claims if conservatives really care about the victims of the Sandy Hook ​Elementary School shooting, they would support banning certain types of weapons--many of which are quite popular for self-defense.  They know perfectly well that Senator Diane Feinstein's (D-CA) ban will do virtually nothing to limit gun violence. Yet they ignore an issue that could bring about positive results--the issue of those whom we have prior knowledge to be mentally incompetent, unstable or violent from being prevented from purchasing weapons.

Why do they ignore the issue? Because it distracts from their real goal: banning guns. They want to exploit the emotion around the Sandy Hook shootings to guilt and shame elected representatives into supporting their unconstitutional, counterproductive approach. And they have the audacity to say conservatives don't care about the nation's school children.