Obama's Boys' Club "Embarrassing as Hell."

Well, if this isn't the funniest picture (or a close second to the hilarious one I posted yesterday of the angry women in the White House), I don't know what is. Apparently, the White House is a little edgy about their Flickr pictures flying around the internet showing the president surrounded by his significantly skewed senior staff members (mostly men). So, as the Weekly Standard points out, they have posted this painfully posed picture of what I'm guessing was a hastily convened Oval Office meeting of a more balanced gang.

With the new makeup of the Cabinet looking like it will have zero women in it, I seriously doubt this will work. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) today said the Cabinet situation is "embarrassing as hell." I'll say. War on Women? Where are those binders?

White House Photo of the Day

White House Photo of the Day

Source: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/white-...