Left Wants to Ban Guns, While Ignoring Real Solutions

I'm hesitant to say anything adulatory about Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) these days after his appalling reaction to Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) courageous filibuster, but I've got to give him credit.  He's exposing the Democrats' hypocrisy on guns, and their ​real motive: banning gun. Shocking, I know.

Graham is pushing a bill that would require the mentally incompetent to be added to the National Instant Criminal Background System, so that in the event that they attempt to purchase any type of gun, they would be prevented from doing so. This is taking the real issue behind many of the horrific mass shootings in this country head on.

According to Fox News, Graham illustrates the need for this measure with a compelling story: A South Carolina woman, Alice Bolan, threatened to kill President Bush in 2005. She pleaded not guilty, by reason of insanity. Yet this year, she bought a gun legally, and tried to shoot someone. That's, pardon the expression, nuts. ​

The Left claims if conservatives really care about the victims of the Sandy Hook ​Elementary School shooting, they would support banning certain types of weapons--many of which are quite popular for self-defense.  They know perfectly well that Senator Diane Feinstein's (D-CA) ban will do virtually nothing to limit gun violence. Yet they ignore an issue that could bring about positive results--the issue of those whom we have prior knowledge to be mentally incompetent, unstable or violent from being prevented from purchasing weapons.

Why do they ignore the issue? Because it distracts from their real goal: banning guns. They want to exploit the emotion around the Sandy Hook shootings to guilt and shame elected representatives into supporting their unconstitutional, counterproductive approach. And they have the audacity to say conservatives don't care about the nation's school children.

Combating Indoctrination 101: Conservatives Must Hit the Campuses

Look, there is no doubt about it: colleges and universities, with their leftist course offerings and mandatory freshman "sensitivity training" orientation (otherwise known as: how to have any kind of sex with anyone, anytime, anyplace) are the final stage of the leftist indoctrination program that began in kindergarten.

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White House Counting on Americans' Idiocy: Sequester Battle Based on Lies

Now is the time to begin to turn the tables. To call the president's obscene bluff as he banks on American's idiocy in falling for continued scare tactics. Scare tactics that are based on pure fabrication. The key is Congressional Republicans--frighteningly enough. Don't blink. This time, don't blin Read More

Tax Hike in VA Just Made Life Tougher for Republicans

No doubt, the tax hike has placed Cuccinelli in an unenviable position. Instead of having the opportunity to ride a popular governor's coattails in a difficult environment for Republicans, Cuccinelli will have to go it alone--running against not only his Democrat opponent, but the Republican governor's tax increase legacy.

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It's All In Your Head, Baby. Salazar's Apology Doesn't Cut It

Colorado State Representative Joe Salazar (D) can save his righteous indignation. He is shocked to be chastised by conservatives following his appalling commentary on why women should not be allowed to have concealed weapons on campus. Welcome to our world.

Let's back up: In a floor speech about a bill that would prohibit concealed carry permits on college campuses, this is exactly what Salazar said about women who might be carrying a concealed weapon: (Full Story)

“It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles. Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop a round at somebody.”
No doubt about it. It's offensive. Shocking, even. To begin with: Call boxes? Whistles? Safe zones? What, pray tell, is a woman to do if she is attacked outside a "safe zone?" What if she blows her whistle and no one is around to hear it? What if there is no call box in the place where the marauder chooses to perpetrate the attack? What if she blows the whistle, someone hears is, but assumes the whistle blower is not really in trouble, just thinks she is?

And more egregious, as anyone who respects the ability of women to be thinking, rational creatures would agree, is the suggestion that women don't know when they are in trouble or about to be attacked.

Salazar probably has good reason to be shocked that he's taking heat. It is the typical position of Republicans to sit silently by, and even apologize for missteps of their Democrat colleagues. Yet when a Republican makes a misstep, their apologies are in vain. They are given no grace, even when it's clear they are being taken out of context. Salazar knows he will be defended, or at least given a pass, by Democrats and feminists. It's already begun.

On the website Jezebel, Katie J.M. Baker wrote forgivingly: “Democrats say dumb things about rape, too,” She closed, after the link, with a sympathetic “Oy.” (Full Story) A far cry from their attacks against Republicans. This is the same website that published the headline after the 2012 election: "Team Rape Lost Big Last Night."

Salazar says he's really sorry: “I’m sorry if I offended anyone. That was absolutely not my intention. We were having a public policy debate on whether or not guns makes people safer on campus. I don’t believe they do. That was the point I was trying to make. If anyone thinks I’m not sensitive to the dangers women face, they’re wrong.

“I am a husband and father of two beautiful girls, and I’ve spent the last decade defending women’s rights as a civil rights attorney. Again, I’m deeply sorry if I offended anyone with my comments.”
No "if," sir. I'm offended. Just as I'm offended that the chair of the South Carolina Democrats, Dick Harpootlian, compared Governor Nikki Haley to Eva Braun. And as I'm offended that President Obama's White House made Christina Romer feel like "a piece of meat." And as I'm offended that Obama advisor Hilary Rosen said Ann Romney had never worked a day in her life. Or that Stephanie Cutter said women don't care about what's happened over the past four years regarding the economy. Or that the Obama campaign urged, on his website, women to "vote like their lady parts depend on it." Yes, I'm offended.

I know it goes against some very noble instincts of Republicans not to just let this go. They have a deep belief that man is flawed, and deserving of grace. I agree. But, if we continue to let Democrats get away with it when they say wildly offensive things about women, women will never hear about it. And they will hear, again and again, about mistakes Republicans make. And they will hear a steady drumbeat of fictional offenses by Republicans--most regularly that Republicans want to drag women kicking and screaming back to the 1950's, and to deny women basic health care. Ridiculous. But if that's all they hear, that's what people believe. The past election is proof positive.

So yes, human beings make mistakes. But I'm not sure this was just a mistake. Salazar's comments were deeply troubling--both from a wisdom and common sense standpoint, but also about the ability of women to think rationally and the need for them to be able to protect themselves--genuinely, as in actually prevent it from happening--in the case of an attack. Salazar seems to think they can't handle that responsibility, and should be left vulnerable. Nothing about that is ok. And we shouldn't let him, or the Democrats, or women, forget it.

Obama: The Master Manipulator

Finally acknowledging what balanced and conservative media have known for years, Politico, of all places, acknowledged that President Obama is a transformational manipulator of the press.

Of course, Politico has realized this for some time, though perhaps not the extent to which Obama's shenanigans are damaging the press's ability to act as he founders intended, as virtually another branch of government. Their job is to help maintain the balance of power by transmitting information that government officials would rather keep quiet to the public. Politico, and other mainstream media outlets it cites in this extraordinary piece, are just beginning, now that the second election is over, to feel the full impact--the brazenness--of Obama's exclusionary tactics. No longer is the administration bothering to even pander to them.

Politico goes one step farther: to acknowledge that the White House's decision to ignore the press is "an arguably dangerous development."

Politico writes that:

"the mastery mostly flows from a White House that has taken old tricks for shaping coverage (staged leaks, friendly interviews) and put them on steroids using new ones (social media, content creation, precision targeting). And it’s an equal opportunity strategy: Media across the ideological spectrum are left scrambling for access.
"The results are transformational. With more technology, and fewer resources at many media companies, the balance of power between the White House and press has tipped unmistakably toward the government. This is an arguably dangerous development, and one that the Obama White House — fluent in digital media and no fan of the mainstream press — has exploited cleverly and ruthlessly."

Nothing arguable about it. It's dangerous.