Under Obama Drone Hits Skyrocket, Compared to Bush

A little perspective for those who say  Obama is embracing President Bush's policies regarding drones: As of September, 2012, Barack Obama had authorized six times as many drone strikes as George W. Bush did in his eight years in office. As a result, "the number of estimated deaths from the Obama administration's drone strikes is more than four times what it was during the Bush administration."

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NYT "Skewers" Republicans for Finally Showing Up: Bemoans Discord over Decorum

Democrats have for years counted on Republicans being restrained by an exaggerated sense of propriety from pointing out, forcefully and compellingly, critical facts that usually make them look bad. Looks like those days might be coming to an end. 

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Criminals Lie Without Fear On Background Check

My point was, and is, before we rush to put other federal laws on the books--many of which will make us less safe, let's enforce a few good laws such as the one that make lying on a firearm background check form a federal offense--with severe penalities. The vice president told the NRA that the federal government "doesn't have time" to enforce those laws.  Consequently, convicted criminals have little reason to fear repercussions for lying on the forms.

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Call Islamist Attacks What They Are

This video update on the Pakistani schoolgirl brutally shot by the Taliban is a reminder of the Obama administration's resistance to condemning Islamist attacks for being just that: attacks in the name of Islam by radical extremists who despise decency, true justice and equality. Read More

"Let's Give Up on the Constitution," Georgetown Law Professor Urges

CBS News hosted a stunning segment yesterday with a Georgetown University professor urging Americans to "give up on the Constitution." The piece was introduced by CBS's Charles Osgood asking, "Is the U.S. Constitution truly worthy of the reverence in which most Americans hold it?" 

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New Poll: "Hands Off Our Guns"

Findings from a recent Fox News poll will be good news for Second Amendment defenders: a hearty majority of Americans in households owning guns--fully two-thirds--would defy any law passed requiring them to forfeit their guns to the government.  In contrast, only 22 percent would comply by giving up their guns.

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White House Dilly-Dallies on Mental Health Regs Even After Newtown

Based on their clear desire to focus on banning guns rather than finding real solutions, it's doubtful we're going to see much movement on mental health issues by an Obama White House caught up in its pursuit of scoring political points.

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Cuccinelli's Remarks: Reminder of Civil Disobedience Tradition

You who are keeping an eye on what promises to be the most vigorous election of 2013 probably heard the liberal brouhaha last week over Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's remarks on Steve Deace's syndicated radio show.  Ken said going to jail might be a way to protest the Obama administration's mandate that employers must provide coverage for certain drugs and services regardless of their religious beliefs.   The attorney general's actual words were that breaking the law in this instance might "provide an example of what tyranny means when it's played to its logical conclusion."

While I could point out the empty hypocrisy and flagrant exploitation of the liberal outcry, I won't.  Not because I don't want to, but because I could not do it better than Bearing Drift's Michael Fletcher.  His post says it all:

“Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” ~ Thoreau

Earlier this week Attorney General said of Obamacare that Catholic priests may need to go to jail rather than violate their religious conscience.

To this, former DNC chair, failed 2009 gubernatorial candidate and current Democratic Party of Virginia standard bearer, Terry McAuliffe said “Let’s make us some money.”

That’s right. In times of crisis, Democrats do what they do best (seriously, that’s documented), send out a fundraising email.

McAuliffe wrote:

Virginia’s Attorney General is openly advocating that people break the law…While Virginia is facing challenges to improve our transportation, education, and economy, Cuccinelli continues to draw from his extreme ideological agenda and attempt to set reproductive rights back 50 years.

50 years? Let’s try 60 years Terry.

On April 23, 1951, students at Robert Russa Moton High School in the town of Farmville, in Prince Edward County, walked out of school to protest the conditions of their education, which they claimed were vastly inferior to those enjoyed by white students at nearby Farmville High School. [Encyclopedia Virginia]

It’s called civil disobedience, Terry.

But let’s move to 50 years. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., who was himself arrested some five times for civil disobedience, spoke to some 200,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

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Obama's Bullhorn Met By Republican Whimper

R's met the president's bull horn on Monday with a whimper. "Huge, huge problem" [McConnell] and "the consequences are real"[Boehner] are not going to capture the hearts and minds of the American people. And these timid, oh-so-restrained, diplomatic words of Republican leaders are not effective in combating the over-the-top, emotional, effective vilifying language of the president. Time for a game change.  Real, real fast.

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Hypocrisy At The Highest Levels: Should Conservatives Criticize Obama on Women?

I've read a few articles over the past couple days, written by conservatives, suggesting that other conservatives should not criticize Obama on the make up of his Cabinet and the lack of overall diversity of his White House staff, particularly his inner circle. While I understand the underlying sentiment--we conservatives don't agree with quotas, and deeply believe that the best person, regardless of their race, gender or ethnicity should have the job--I don't agree that we should give Obama a pass on his blatant hypocrisy and his successful attempt to dupe Americans during the campaign into believing conservatives and Republicans have launched an all-out "war on women."

Look, Obama didn't just criticize Romney when it came to women. He hammered him. Disingenuously, I might add. When Mitt Romney pointed out that he went to extraordinary efforts to recruit and hire qualified women to his administration when he was governor of Massachusetts, he was mocked and pilloried by the left--including Obama. It was a dishonest attack and Obama and his team knew it. At one point, in fact, Romney had more women in his cabinet than any other governor in the nation.

Obama claimed Republicans wanted to drag women kicking and screaming back to the 1950's. That was the rhetoric of his surrogates. A good 85% of his convention was dedicated to promoting the "War on Women" meme--with no concern for the truth. Republicans, we were told, want to take away women's birth control and are opposed to equal pay for equal work. It was staggering stuff.

But it was all part of Obama's strategy to convince the American people that when it came to women, and the elderly, the young, blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, the poor, the "middle class," Republicans were malicious. They had deep, unforgivable character flaws and therefore could not even be considered as an alternative, much less supported.

Now the truth comes out. It's been out. Obama's White House has been widely known to be a "Boys' Club" since the early days of the first term. I write about it extensively in Divider in Chief. Now, with four white male appointees to the four cabinet posts, with reports of ongoing pay disparity in the White House, with Flickr pictures showing a very white male inner circle around the president, we are getting a clear picture of what a load of bunk we were fed during the campaign.

Binders, indeed.